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Der Bildband De Lacy
De Lacy 1000 years of History - Pedigrees, Military Memoirs, and synoptical history of the ancient and illustrious family De Lacy. You will find the Viking roots, Wilhelm the conqueror, Magna Carta, Plantagenets, Richard Lion heart, Bruce of Scotland, Stuarts, Czar Peter the Great, Empress Maria Theresa, Emperor Jospeh II, Napolen and many more who had been in touch with the family. On 680 pages there are more than 500 pictures, 70 pages of name references and more than 140 GEO-Locations you can enter in google maps to "fly" to the historical places and "take a walk" with googles street view.Die Autoren De Lacy
Edward de Lacy-Bellingari published the first edition 1928 and died much to early 1935 at the age of 42. Edwards real name is Edy Harnett Esq. and he is the son of Jeanne de Lacy-Browne who leaved in Clenageary Co. Dublin. Edward was inspired by Sir John Fernes (1560-1609) book "Lacyes Nobilitie" tried to correct inaccuraces and added another 300 years of history.Bernhard Lascy is born in Vienna / Austria. Here in Vienna lots of traces of Francis Maurice Count de Lacy, who entered the Austrian Service 1746, can be found. Some family members are leaving today in Danmark where all started. About 2002 the first steps into the "unknown" history of the Lacy lead to years of further investigations. The real "kick off" for this book was the contact to Garland Lacey "a cousin" who leaves in USA. He provided a copy of Edwards book about 2006 but it needed another seven years to finish the first edition of this book which will be a "work in progress".
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